Lotus Dental Clinic

Waterpik Continuing Education

Our team discovered many benefits to integrating a waterpik into your daily routine.

Enjoy Better Oral Health

Good dental care is a must for maintaining healthy gums, protecting teeth, and reducing the risk of gum disease. The plaque that forms in your mouth every day is home to thousands of bacteria.

When you don’t remove plaque during tooth brushing or cleaning between your teeth, the bacteria become more infectious and are likely to cause gum disease.

Dental work, orthodontic braces, certain medical conditions, and other factors can make maintaining good dental care challenging. Explore below to learn about these issues and ways to improve your oral health.


Dr. George is known for an interactive diagnostic approach where you, the patient, will be involved in customizing and individualizing your treatment.

Dr. George's expertise in modern dental procedures and continuous training leads to reliable and lasting solutions for patients.

Give us a call and we will be glad to answer to all your oral health concerns.

Revive your smile at Lotus Dental Clinic!